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Hello hello lovelies!
What step is everyone on? Are there any roadblocks that you might be facing?
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What step is everyone on? Are there any roadblocks that you might be facing?
What's the status?
Have started
Have started but procrastinating
Have not started
Stuck somewhere
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Am ready and excited to start new journey!!
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I am looking forward to have effective way of getting my life on track with significant progress
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I can't wait to start this mindful journey and achieve my personal outcome.
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Hi! I am unable to proceed to Step 3, its been locked , Kindly help me in unlocking it.
Hey, still having the issue?. You need to mark Step 2 as completed to be able to proceed.
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Happy to finish step 2 -Eliminator finally. Took 2 days for me to figure out and work on the sheet but was able to work on it and finish it. As Someone who leaves tasks /challenges in between , will try my best to complete this challenge to break my this bad ritual.
Hi Adete,
Can you please help me how to complete step 1. I have made the payment but steps and process are not clear to me how to proceed furthee
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Hiii.. I have doubt regarding Step 2 -Eliminator. Do we have to choose our top 5 values from Shwartz Theory mentioned values?
Hey Prerana, You can go ahead and choose from other values also, that's not an issue. This is one that I found to be most comprehensive.
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My top 3 areas of focus in the coming year are going to be: - My health & fitness - Career - Finances One thing I want you guys to keep in mind is that when you choose areas of focus, this doesn't mean you'll completely neglect all other areas. It simply means that they are relatively more balanced and therefore don't need to be an active priority in your mind. They can keep going on autopilot while you bring your chose areas up to where you want them. We all have limited time and lack of prioritization can simply mean we are not able to utilize that time well anywhere.
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Completed 1st step (Day 1) -Goal Assessor ,of Become a Goal Getter Program. Happy to dwell into deep to figure out and write answer in the sheets. Hope to achieve clarity in my life regarding career through this 7 day challenge. Thanks to dear Adete for always coming up with something valuable.
@Mahasweta Ray Plesae let me know where you're stuck :) and I'll help you out.