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Are You Absorbing Negativity Around You?

Writer's picture: Adete DahiyaAdete Dahiya

Have you ever felt like a sponge, soaking up all the grumpy feelings around you?

Do you constantly feel toxicity around you?

Do you think yourself to be a negativity magnet, following you wherever you go?

What if there's a reason behind that?


Our brains are actually wired to focus on the bad stuff more than the good. It's called negativity bias. And it has been here for millennia.


Think about it – back in caveman days, finding a tiger was WAY more important than appreciating a pretty flower. I know that was part of survival but our brains automatically made that choice for us as to what should be our priority.


Coming back to the modern world, the same thing happens, only the choices are different. Instead of a tiger, we have a exam stress or due promotion; and instead of flowers, we have the joys of life.

One interesting fact about this bias is that it holds the potential to make us act like negativity magnets. In fact, this study showed people tend to gossip more than sharing any positive news earning the saying that negativity spreads like wildfire!


But how do you break free from this negativity vortex?

Here are 3 super cool hacks I follow personally:


➡️ Eye contact; no no: Many culture believes that our eyes are powerful energy channels. This belief goes back to ancient cultures around the world. The Evil Eye, a curse believed to be transmitted through a malicious glare, is a common theme in many mythologies, from Greek to Hindu. So, to avoid absorbing negativity, try limiting eye contact with someone who you feel is bringing you down or is carrying a toxic energy. Look away politely or focus on a neutral object. By limiting eye contact you are doing yourself a favour and protecting yourself from their negative energy.

➡️ Drop the Drama: Negative conversations can easily drain your energy. Let's say you're catching up with a friend after work. They start venting about a fight they had with their boss. As they talk, you feel your own mood starting to go down. This is a sign to gently shift the conversation in a more positive direction. You could say something like, "Wow, that sounds like a tough situation. But you know, you're always so good at finding solutions. What are some ideas you have to deal with it?" This way, you're acknowledging their frustration, but also subtly shifting the focus to something more empowering.


With that being said, you also need to remember that it’s equally important to let your friends vent because healthy communication works both ways and no one can thrive without it. Therefore, let there be those days too when they open up to you about the challenges they are facing.

➡️ Become an Energy Ninja: I want you to use this visualization technique next time negative thoughts or situations attack you. Take 10 minutes, find a quiet place, and imagine yourself surrounded by a protective bubble. This "energy field" keeps negativity out and your happy vibes in! Substitute that thought and think of a positive memory or calming color. When you start doing this exercise, you will notice a visible shift in your energy on first try itself.

The last one is my favourites to be honest and has helped me deal with negativity to a great extent.


But, if you want a takeaway, I want you to take this back - positive vibes attract positive vibes!


By staying upbeat, you'll not only feel better, but you might just inspire others to do the same!


How do you stay positive? Comment and share your suggestions.

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