Tell me if you relate to these statements:
📝 I feel like I am falling behind in life while everyone else is doing so well.
📝 24 hours don’t feel like enough to do what I want to do
📝 I am so unlucky
📝 No matter what I do, I can’t find success.
If you said yes to any of these, you my friend are operating from a mindset of “lack”
Don’t worry, you’re not alone. We all have this mindset from time to time.
"Lack mindset" typically refers to a way of thinking that focuses on what we don’t have. It makes us see limitations and obstacles more than opportunities and often makes us feel that resources are scarce.
But what if you become a billionaire today? Would you still have the same mindset? 🤔
Probably not, right!
Well, I’m about to blow your mind. Because you are secretly a billionaire.
In fact we all are!
⏳ We are all time billionaires.
The term was coined by Graham Duncan, co-founder of East Rock Capital, who believes that time billionaires have a significant advantage over money billionaires. A time billionaire has time to create and enjoy life experiences.
This is what Laura Vanderkam, talks about in her book, 168 hours. She says that by making small mental shifts in how we perceive time, we can come out of this lack mindset and actually live a fulfilling life. The key is not to get more hours but to manage those precious seconds we already have.
So, the first question I have for you is “Are you spending your time in a way that feels truly fulfilling?”
Reply to this email and let me know. 📧
Coming back to this email, there are several examples of real time billionaires that you can take inspiration from. All the top tier people whom we know and revere as the richest in the world fall under this category. To become such a person you also need to understand that there is no bigger asset than time so proper utilisation of it is really important.
With the concept becoming clearer, it’s now time to challenge 6 overrated beliefs about living life to the fullest from the concept of becoming time billionaire:
➡️ Myth #1: You Need to Travel the World: Don't get me wrong, travel can be amazing! But happiness isn't limited to exotic vacations. What truly sparks joy in your everyday life? Find that out first. Maybe it's exploring hidden gems in your own city, spending time in nature, or connecting with loved ones.
➡️ Myth #2: More Stuff = More Happiness: Studies actually show that experiences bring more lasting joy than material possessions. Consider investing in experiences that create memories, like learning a new skill, taking a weekend getaway, or attending a concert with your siblings. Want to feel more convinced? Listen to this TED Talk by Graham Hill
➡️ Myth #3: You Need to be Busy All the Time: There is a lot to say on this topic, part of which I shared last week on my LinkedIn, however, if I have to summarise it into a single sentence I would say, “Constant busyness can lead to burnout.”
That’s why rather than constantly going around the cycle of business you need to prioritize on those activities that energize you and leave you feeling accomplished. Schedule downtime for relaxation and hobbies that bring joy.
Remember, a full life isn't about constant movement, it's about balance.
➡️ Myth #4: Comparison Brings You Joy: Social media feeds are often highlight reels, not an accurate picture of someone's life. These days I hardly find a relevant account that showcases their true life. And believe, only a handful of creators showcase both spectrums of life rather than only cherry-picking on the best elements and dropping them on their feed.
When I finally figured it out, I understood that comparing your journey to someone else's curated image is a recipe for dissatisfaction. Therefore, I only focus on my own goals and celebrate my personal wins, rather than feeling jealous of someone’s achievements.
➡️ Myth #5: There is a "Perfect" Opportunity: We often get stuck waiting for the ideal moment to make a change. Just last month, I delayed having a conversation with a client, waiting for “the perfect time”. But there is no such thing - the wheels begin to move, as soon as you start taking action. We often get stuck in action paralysis — where we keep planning and pondering over a decision, failing to take action at all and that can cost us a lot of opportunity.
My only advice here - Take Action
➡️ Myth #6: Retirement is When Life Begins: This is perhaps the most overrated statement I have come across to be honest. Gone are the days where you put your happiness on hold until a future date. Your retirement is not the time you start living life. It’s happening right now! Find ways to incorporate activities you enjoy into your daily routine.
Remember, being a time billionaire is about intentionality.
In the meantime, share your thoughts by commenting.
What does living a "full" life mean to you?