You know how everyone says that if you want to grow, you should first get to “know yourself”?
And it sounds like great advice until you look a little deeper and realize you don’t actually know how you can get to “know yourself”
And there are other times too when you think you know yourself and your own reactions and behaviour take you completely by surprise.
Today, we deal with both of these things.
See, getting to know yourself is pretty much like getting to know a friend — you spend time with them, you ask them questions, and you develop a bond with them based on your mutual likes, interests, dreams, and desires. That’s pretty much what you’ve got to do with yourself.
It’s that simple!
And the steps I’m outlining here will make it even simpler. So, get ready to finally become the main character in your life, because we’re going on a journey of self discovery:
➡️ Start simple: Start by asking yourself questions. Just like you’d ask someone you’re trying to become friends with. And I find the best way to do this is to put down my phone, shut down my laptop, and grab a pen and paper.
Journaling without the digital filter forces you to confront raw emotions and thoughts. Go on details. Write about your fears, your dreams, your frustrations. Let it all flow, unedited and unrestrained.
Need some help?
Here are some questions in the form of Journal Prompts that you can use to do this exercise.
However, a slight disclaimer: Don’t try to do it on a single day, take your sweet time.

➡️Discover your inner calling: Remember those childhood dreams of becoming an astronaut or conquering the world? Don’t just dust off those daydreams! They're not just silly whims. They are windows to what you want.
Just like you’d nudge your friend to follow their passion or pursue their calling, dive a little deeper here and figure out what yours is. First, write them down, then start analyzing them individually, and see what emotions they ignite. You might be surprised to find that buried treasures you unearth after years of living.
➡️ Befriend your shadow self: Let me ask you this. Do you abandon your friend because of their bad or not so likable qualities? No right! You stick by them through thick and thin. Then why do you do it to yourself? We all have our own sets of flaws and fears, and that's totally okay. We are human and no human is perfect.
But instead of shoving them into your life and letting them control you, invite them to the table. Write down your insecurities, your anxieties, and then ask yourself, "What are these REALLY trying to tell me?" You might discover unacknowledged strengths and hidden resources waiting to be tapped.
➡️ Embrace the unexpected: Life isn't all about walking on a set roadmap. Bring in some unexpected moves in your life too. Take that salsa class, volunteer at an animal shelter, or try that strange recipe you found online. Stepping outside your comfort zone that throws you off autopilot and it will reveal your hidden talents, passions, and maybe even a surprising sense of resilience.
➡️ Reflection time: At last, pay attention to the people who draw you in, who inspire you, who make you feel like your authentic self. Find out, the inner feelings those people make you feel. What qualities do they possess that resonate with you?
These questions might feel like a lot, but they are super beneficial in the long term.
Do keep in mind, that self-discovery isn't a one-time achievement, it's a lifelong adventure.
REPLY and share your craziest self-discovery moments and unexpected adventures with me. I love reading your point of view.