Ever looked in the mirror and thought, "I don’t like my nose”, or “My arms are too flabby”, or “I wish I could hide my tummy.”
Don't worry, you're not alone. Most people in today’s day and age are unhappy with their appearance.
But why does it happen? 💭
It happens primarily because of this one thing: comparison.
I want you to notice something the next time you scroll through social media. When you are bombarded with pictures of people with perfect smiles, flawless skin, and clothes that look like they came straight out of a magazine, and when you look at yourself after that, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Do you have that little voice in your head whispering, "My hair looks frizzy, my nose is too big, and there's no way I could wear those cool jeans?"
If that is the situation, here is something that I want you to remember: those pictures we see online are often heavily edited and staged. On top of that, social media is like a highlight reel, showing only the best moments, not the bad hair days or awkward outfit choices everyone has.
So, what can we do to silence that mean voice and feel more confident about ourselves?
Psychologists have actually studied this! A study done by Dr. Gillian Sandstrom focused on something called social comparison theory. This theory basically says that we naturally compare ourselves to others, especially people we think are similar to us.
The problem with social media comparisons is that they're often unrealistic and one-sided. It's like comparing your raw strawberry to someone else's perfectly-ripened orange. They're both delicious fruits, but they're different!
That’s why it is necessary to break free from this "compare and despair" cycle if you want to start feeling good about yourself; and here is how you can do it:
➡️ Focus on what makes you YOUnique: What are you good at? Do you love drawing amazing landscapes? Maybe you're a hidden chef at baking the best cookies ever. Take time out to celebrate your talents and interests, and invest time in them. When you achieve something, take time out to celebrate it. Even if it feels wrong or awkward, do the physical act of celebrating those things. Over time it will come naturally.
➡️ Surround yourself with positivity: Surround yourself with friends and family who make you feel good about yourself. If that’s not immediately possible, change up what you consume - switch from negative to positive things, and see if your friends are a good influence on you or not. You are what you surround yourself with. This one takes time, so keep at it…and over time you will have the right pieces in life.
➡️ Mirror, mirror, on the wall, who's the most awesome of them all? YOU! Affirmations are a great tool to slowly change your self perception. If you can, start out by looking at yourself in the mirror and saying these out loud to yourself.
Remember, beauty comes in all shapes, sizes, and colors. There's no one-size-fits-all "perfect" look. The most important thing is to be healthy and happy in your own skin.
Here's a fun experiment I want you to do - For a week, try saying at least three positive things about yourself every time you look in the mirror. See how much better you start to feel! You can even write them down.
Will you be willing to try out this challenge? REPLY and let me know.