Last year i.e. 2020 was the year I got back to reading. For the past few years, when I was working a job, reading took a back seat. And other pursuits took up my time.
I have always loved reading – a habit inculcated within me by my mother when I was merely 6. And I am so grateful for that. It has made me the person and the writer I am today. I sincerely believe books are quite literally the best resource out there when it comes to gaining specific knowledge.
Last year was also the year I realized you don't need to be reading a book from cover to cover in order to be reading it. That's how I picked up the habit of reading several books simultaneously. At any given time, I'm reading 4-5 books, sometimes more. Of course not all at once! Although that would be a superpower I would love to have.
Also, I read on my Kindle. However, for aesthetic purposes when I create content around reading, I do showcase hardcover books. It just looks more appealing :D
Here are the books I'm currently reading and loving:
Atomic Habits by James Clear: I have already read this book cover-to-cover once. And it is profound. However, the techniques in this book are something I keep coming back to from time to time. This is a great book if you're looking to: - Build habits - Improve productivity and efficiency - Grow yourself in the simplest, most-effective way possible
How to Lead by David Rubenstein: This book is a collection of interviews of some of the world's greatest, most successful people including CEOs, founders, and game-changers in several fields. It is a very unfiltered insight into the minds of these people and it's been written simply yet brilliantly. This is one of the few physical books I own. I got it sometime last year and I whip it out to read every now and again in my free time.
The Almanack of Naval Ravikant: This one is a recent addition to my Kindle library and I've already finished it half-way-through. The book is a collection of tweets and interview snippets given by Naval Ravikant – an Indian-American investor and entrepreneur who is known for his philosophies on success, happiness and life. I love the simplicity and the fast-paced nature of the book. Love, love, love it. Oh! and btw, this book is free to download :D
Building a StoryBrand by Donald Miller: This is a book on branding, storytelling and copywriting that businesses across the world swear by. Already done with the first three chapters and love it. As someone who is a self-taught business owner, I've found books like this to be immensely helpful.
Secrets of the Millionnaire Mind by T. Harv Eker: This is a lovely book on the wealth mindset and our thoughts around money. I am listening to this on Audible and I love the narration too. It's more about changing your mindset around money and wealth rather than actually making money. And I truly believe mindset is more important than anything when it comes to growth in any field.
The Dip by Seth Godin: This is one recommendation I took from one of my favourite creators – Matt D'Avella. Seth Godin is a marketing genius and in this book, he talks about the power of quitting. This is another one I'm listening to on Audible. It's well narrated, easy to understand and I believe has some very important concepts around persistence and knowing when to quit.
So, that's my list. I've provided links to all the books in case you want to go ahead and get them for yourself.
What are you currently reading? Let me know in the comments